
Job opportunity in Copenhagen during COP15 (full-time for 3 weeks: 1-20 Dec)

FYI - this has been circulated on behalf of YOUNGO to contacts and organizations in Copenhagen.






The UN climate negotiations will bring more than 1000 young people from around the world to Copenhagen. These youth will work together on lots of different activities inside the conference and need support to help make this possible. If you have skills in managing details, can work hard and remain focused, and have a flexible schedule from 1 - 20 December, we are looking for you. There are 3 positions being filled for the job of youth logistics support staff.


Responsibilities of the positions:


- Perform data management and administration duties such as maintain contact lists, staff the Youth office, and maintain an updated library of relevant youth information.

- Help setup, run and takedown youth events

- Help track expenses and basic financial management

- Facilitate local transportation needs

- Purchase supplies around Copenhagen on behalf of Youth

- Support other youth activities at COP as needed



If you are interested, please send a short cover letter and resume by email to applications@youthclimate.org with the subject heading of: “Application for youth logistics support”. Candidates must have a good knowledge of Copenhagen and lived in the city for at least 2 years. The position will require working flexible hours, including evenings and weekends.




Applications will be reviewed, and candidates selected as soon as possible (on a rolling basis) so apply right away. Please do not apply any later than 30 November at 2359GMT, but applications received earlier have a better chance of being interviewed. Only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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