In four days-although sleepless- I was able to pull-off producing a 42-page book supporting Global South countries ( It feels like college during finals crunch time all over again). I may not have had a day off in what may seem to be forever- my life may revolve around work- Fortunately, I love what I do and I'm immensely blessed for being able to live it.
From being a delegate of my country at COP15 UNFCCC in Copenhagen (Dec)- to traveling all over the Philippines visiting every school and university engaging Philippine youth, campaigning for Climate Change and Senator Legarda who was running for VP in the Philippine elections (Jan-May)- to mobilizing hundreds of global youth to achieve the MDG's through International Youth Council, to bringing 700 young people from all over the world to the Youth Assembly UN (May-August), and now supporting Global South countries through South-South News with Ambassador Lorenzo and preparing for the MDG Awards hosted by UN Millenium Campaign and UN Office of partnerships happening before the General Assembly in September. 2010 has been a wild ride. And its not over yet...
At 23 I never would have thought I would be doing my dream job ant my dream office space- at the top floor of a building- over looking the UN with the most beautiful view of Manhattan. Given that I have devoted so much of my passion and life to work, and have constantly tried to make the best out of every opportunity I have been fortunately given. I have also been blessed that I never really had to look for a job. I believe that people who are intensely as passionate and hard-working as I am- people see and believe in our passion and help in paving the right roads for us (I have the coolest mentors basically).
And Oh the challenges. I trust and believe in people too much, and for that, I have been taken advantage of many times. I take these challenges as they come, and should come, and I only become a stronger, better person. The best part of all of this is I have NOTHING to loose and only have EVERYTHING to gain. My strength may be just that I am a young passionate hard-working woman from a developing country. After being a single mother at 18 years of age, everything else that follows -becomes a breeze really. I am strong, I believe in myself, I am immensely blessed with family and friends who are extremely supportive, and I live life with PASSION. No one and nothing can take any of that away from me.
Evidently I love what I do, but I also don't take credit for my hard work. I am not who I am today because of me, I am who I am today because of everyone else around me who have played a supportive role, inspires me to be who I am, believes in my vision and helps me become the best person I can be. I am immensely blessed to have these people in my life. Despite all that I do and having to somehow survive dealing with me for many years now- they keep my head on the ground.
Never had I thought that my dream would come true so early in life. All I can say to you is dreams do come true, so keep on dreaming. There is no where else to go but up from here...
Here's a tour of my dream office.