In the past two months, I've been juggling both work and school full-time. Work has been time-consuming and school has been intense. I am also on the "board" of a few organizations both in my hometown and internationally that I am committed to help manage (all volunteer consultancy work!). On top of everything else, with the (little) free-time that I had, I spent looking for apartments! Summer/beginning of Fall was definitely overwhelming, and I'm glad it's over!
The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience is learning how to FOCUS. In the ensuing months, until the end of the Fall semester (and up until I graduate with my degree), I will be focusing solely on my studies. I do not know what the consequences will be for giving up work, but one thing I am certain of is knowing that work will always be there, education however is something that can never be taken away from me.
"The best of all things is to learn. Money can be lost or stolen, health and strength may fail, but what you have committed to your mind is yours forever." --Louis L'Amour (1908-1988)
Here are some of August-September's highlights:
(Picture captions have been copied and pasted from my twitter/facebook pics)
July - August '11: Summer 2011 marked the beginning of my post-baccalaureate studies. I took courses on Green Engineering and Physics with a focus on Energy at Yale University.
Being back in school has been an amazing & exciting experience. Engaging with my professors & classmates has been incredibly enriching and i'm learning so much in my classes.
August 2011: Presenting Ron Bruder of Education for Employment, Time Magazine 100 most influential people in the world, our very first International Youth Council recognition award at The International Youth Council Global Youth Leader Mixer in NYC. For more pics on the event, visit link.
August 5, 2011: Finding out that I'm closing keynote speaker at the Environmental Law & Justice Symposium in Florida this November -Intimidating!
August Summer 2011: Being one of the guest speakers in my "Green Engineering class" and passing my classes on "Green Engineering & Renewable Energy" and "Physics: Energy, Society, &Technology" at Yale.
Sustainable energy is the most important issue facing the human race in the 21st century. I hope to apply the knowledge I am gaining in my classes to help my country and other developing and emerging markets move forward with the development and implementation of renewable energy and other sustainable ventures & initiatives.
August 2011: Being featured as "Global Changemaker" at
Article on this link.
August 2011: Holding a workshop on "Youth Mobilization & Global Climate Politics" at the UN Headquarters during the High-Level Meeting on Youth. Special thanks Jean Paul Affana and Dr. Miroslav Polzer for inviting me. |
August 2011: At Charles Rengel's Birthday Gala at the Plaza Hotel with Congressman Charles Rengel & Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely, Ambassador of Goodwill for Africa. |
September 1, 2011: One of the perks of studying at Columbia- bumping into great minds like Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. I took the opportunity to invite him to the South South Awards, where he was awarded for his work on ICT, Health & development.
September 2, 2011: Failed at maintaining composure when Van Jones asked for my advice on a project he is working on at our Skype meeting. |
I had met Van Jones years ago at a time when I first began my "environmental activism" - his work had been an instigating force in my desire to pursue a career in sustainable development. To have someone that influential in my life recognize the work that I do - Surreal!
September 2011: I love hearing the dreams & aspirations of our young leaders and having them reach out for mentorship and to help them pursue their dreams. It is always an honor.
September 2011: In my "Policy & Legal Context in Sustainability Management" class. Having negotiated in international climate negotiations (via UNFCCC COP) makes it even more interesting to learn environmental policy and the resulting documents in an academic setting.
Public policy shapes how the man-made and natural environments are managed and regulated. Sustainability practitioners must be able to understand public policy and its effects on what they are charged to do. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of environmental sustainability policy and the resulting law and regulations in order to strengthen their ability to understand, interpret, and react to future developments. |
September 6, 2011: Presenting an International Youth Council (IYC) recognition award to Ambassador Josephine Ojiambo from the Permanent Mission of Kenya the UN.
September 7, 2011: At my "Sustainability Management" class with Prof. Steven Cohen at the Columbia Law school.
Sustainability management matters because we only have one planet, and we must learn how to manage our organizations in a way that ensures that the health of our planet can be maintained and bettered. |
September 13, 2011: Taking my first finance class, ever. Taking a course on "Financing the Green Economy" from the Sustainability Management graduate program.
In the 21st century, countering the threat of global climate change, increasing energy independence, and providing good jobs for our citizens are all reasons why green energy is important. But a host of complications will make sustaining and growing the transition to a green economy challenging. These complications involve technology, finance, politics - and simply the low cost and convenience of our existing fossil fuel based infrastructure. "Financing the Green Economy" emphasizes on the financial aspects of green energy, but in doing so, will bring together many of the other factors that affect whether and how much the green economy takes hold.
September 15, 2011: UN Protocol briefing with Ambasasdor Oscar de Rojas at the South South News office
September 2011: International Youth Council Executive Directors with our mentor & advisor, Ambassador Francis Lorenzo, President of South South News
September 16, 2011: A partner of a colleague of mine, Gerard McKeon of Black Tie Magazine, helped organized Couture Fashion Week held at the Waldorf-Astoria. Coincidentally, on the same day of the Fashion Couture Show, I was touring around 50 of our volunteers for the South South Awards at the Waldorf and it was also my birthday. He gave my crew and friends access to this stunning show! Special thanks to Gerard for treating our hard-working volunteers to the beautiful fashion show.
September 16, 2011: Overwhelmed by all the love, birthday greetings & friends who came to my birthday party. Im so blessed. Thank you is not enough. |
September 16, 2011: Thanking my sister for surprising me on my 25th! |
September 2011: Proud of my younger sister, with whom I managed, as she helped organize a UN- High Level Meeting side-event, breakfast for First Ladies at the Waldorf Astoria. |
September 19, 2011: Kenny G & I at South South Awards rehearsal
September 19, 2011: At the South South Awards with Ambassador Williams of Grenada and 1/3 of the 75 people I helped recruit, train, & manage over the past two and a half weeks in preparation for the South South Awards. It was an honor to work with such a brilliant team made of cum laudes, scholars, global leader awardees, executive directors & presidents of organizations, Master's & PhD graduates educated in the world's best universities, and individuals that are surely going to make an impact in our global community in the near future (if-not already). |
September 19,2011: The South South Awards honors governments, organizations, and individuals, who have succeeded in scaling-up and replicating the implementation of the health-related Millennium Development Goals and beyond at the national level. This year, the preparatory committee has recommended Digital Health 4 Digital Development as the main theme for the awards.
September 20, 2011: In business & sustainability management class.
One of the things I enjoy most about class is having professionals who are working in related/relevant fields as classmates. This guy is just one of 170.
September 22, 2011: My third year covering the Clinton Global Initiative! For the recent times, unfortunately, I have been bogged down by life. CGI reminded me of my priorities and put my life back into perspective.
September 22, 2011: Two legendary activists Desmond Tutu & Aung San Suu Kyi discuss their struggles against oppression at Clinton Global Initiative.
September 22, 2011: President Bill, Clinton Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton at the closing plenary of the Clinton Global Initiative.
Bill is a lucky man, to have women in his life who embody strength & beauty and use their power to make a social impact that benefits society.
September 22, 2011: Trudy Syler & Sting receiving the "Leadership in Philantrophy" Award at the Clinton Global Citizen Awards from Morgan Freeman.
September 22, 2011: Iman introducing fellow Ethiopian, K'naan, at the Clinton Global Citizen Awards.
September 22, 2011: K'naan's performance at the Clinton Global Citizen Awards and his plea to help those suffering from drought & hunger in his country, Somalia, was truly inspiring.
September 22, 2011: Sting's mind-blowing performance at the Clinton Global Initiative Awards.
Towards the end of his performance, the audience (world leaders including) stood up from their chairs and began to dance!
September 2011: My amateur blog reaches 28K readers ? Yikes! I wasn't aware people were interested in what I had to say. Even worse, my writing skills are horrible! Double yikes! |
Life for the next two years... Am I ready???
Everything that I do is for you, I miss you little one...