
2008 Projects

Esperanza Garcia 2008-2009
To put some sense into this life...

1. Scholar/ Youth Representative/ Co-founder for The Global Summit (TGS)

Links: http://theglobalsummit.org/

Info: The Global Summit™ (TGS) is a social, economic, and environmental event produced by Empowerment Works (EW), a nonprofit organization promoting global partnerships for a sustainable world. Each year, citizens, organizations, and businesses who participate in The Global Summit™ are able to join forces and, together, become vehicles of positive change.

Gained full scholarship at The Global Summit, had the position of Youth representative, and I was able to give young individuals from all over the world to become youth scholars for the event. The youth included Chloe Hall (US), Isabella Schlipp (US), Josefa Isabel Garcia (Philippines), Emmanuel Onywera (Nigeria), Asha Castleberry (US), Carla Banson (Philippines), and Miguel Toro (Puerto Rico). The International Youth Council was one of the co-founders of the event.

Scholars & Youth Representatives at the Global Summit

2. Founder of Eco-design & Sustainable Development Facebook Group

Link: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2209038152&ref=ts

Info: Acknowledging Humanitarian, Ecological, and Economical design solutions that promote sustainable developments.

Action: I started the facebook group in 2006 to be able to meet other people who had knowledge on sustainable developments. Initially, there were less than a hundred members in the first year to almost 3,500 members to this date. Only proving even more how critical people want to be involved in this critical issue—Global Warming & Climate Change.

3. Director of Global Warming & Climate Change Initiatives for the International Youth Council and GLACCIER Campaign

Link: http://glaccier.blogspot.com/

Info: Global Legal Action on Climate Change for International Environmental Responsibility (GLACCIER) and Internatonal Youth Council (IYC) are now emerging to take action against the present ongoing impact of climate changes and global heating.

Action: Gathering young individuals from all over the world who will work closely with top environmental lawyers that are willing to take action against any person or entity who fails or refuses to abide by our efforts. We are building on a great global case analysis.

The International Youth council in action. With Farah Al-Azab (Jordan), Kinga Katus (Hungary), Ahmad Alhindawi (Jordan), Eric Dales (Canada), Elizabeth (US), Asha Castleberry (US), Jaime Ansorge (US), and Angela Jhanji (UK)

4. Chief Campaigner for the Youth for the Philippine Green Building Council

Link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=35113313025

Info: The Philippine Green Building Council is the leading green building campaign in the Philippines. A non-stock, non-profit organization in the Philippines focusing on the promotion of sustainable building practices in the industry.

Gathering students from all over the Philippines to engage in sustainable practices and designs. Currently proposing a Phil. GBC Student Campus Campaign

with Chris de la Cruz, Chairman and President at The Philippine Green Building Council, Romy de Jesus, UAP President, & Bianca Araneta, Earth Hour Philippines WWF ambassador, at the Philippine Green Building Forum

5. Global Youth Leader for the Youth Assembly at the United Nations

Link: http://www.faf.org/unyouthassembly/testimonials.htm

Info: The Youth Assembly is an annual gathering of hundreds of young people from around the world who seek practical ways to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, global networking and social entrepreneurship skills as well as meeting with and contributing to civil society formally affiliated with the United Nations. The Youth Assembly is about showing how one person can make a difference by engaging with the challenges of the present and being an educated and active citizen.

Action: Attended the Youth Assembly at the United Nations leadership seminar, met young individuals, all equally inspirational, devoted, and accomplished, each wanting to make a big difference in the world. Led a presentation to find solutions with representatives from Australia, Puerto Rico, Nigeria, & Philippines and presented our solution on Climate Change & Education, which included a low-cost, self-sufficient building solution that integrated environmental awareness in the school curriculum in Nigeria.

with Tessa Satherley (Australia), Miguel Toro (Puerto Rico), & Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere Micheal (Nigeria): Presenting our solution on Climate Change & Education

Global Youth Leaders 2008

6. Volunteer for the Ecocity World Summit, Green Festival, and West Coast Green since 2007

Link: http://www.ecocityworldsummit.org/index.htm,

Ecocity World Summit 2008 - Usher's Crowd Control for Mayor's Conference
The Ecocity World Summit is a conference that gathered many of the world's best and brightest speakers, moderators and delegates representing the Ecocity approach.

Green festival 2007 & 2008
- Speaker Room Attendant
Green Festival is the largest sustainability event in the world.

West Coast Green 2007 & 2008 - Hospitality Staff
West Coast Green is the largest venue for green innovation, building, business, and design.

Action: Supporting and networking with individuals & organizations in pursuit of sustainable developments.

WEST COAST GREEN DESIGN CHARETTE: Building an Ecocity-- Planning West Oakland, CA with great minds, including Richard Register, founder of Ecocity Builders.

Volunteering at the Ecocity World Summit '08 with Dr. Serigne Mbaye Diene

7. AAU Student Representative to "Clean & Green the SF Community"

Info: Volunteering to "Clean & Green the SF Community, Schools, and Parks"

Action: Celebrating Earth Day by cleaning schools & parks & serving as the assistant of the AAU Vice President. Gathered fellow students to help Green and Clean John O' Connell High School & St. Mary Playground. We helped in beautifying the neighborhood in District 9.

Serving as Student Representative of Academy of Art University to 'Clean and Green' communities in San Francisco

8. Intern at Architecture International

Link: http://www.arch-intl.com/

Info: A U.S. based architecture design firm providing architecture, urban planning, and interior design services

Action: Gained experience and hindsight on working in a world-renowned architecture firm. Increased network in the building industry. Developed design skills and learned more about architecture, urban planning, and interior design.

Meeting on green architecture with Winston G., President and General Manager of GSIS, GSIS associates, and John Sheehy & William Higgins, bosses at Architecture International at the GSIS headquarters, Manila, Philippines.

More of 2008

More of 2008
For the generations after us.

"Cleaning & Greening" the SF Community. Celebrating Earth Day 2008 by cleaning schools & parks & serving as the assistant of the AAU Vice President.

Teaching kids how recycling can be fun!

Teaching kids the letter "E" for Earth!


Global Youth Leaders 2008 Youth Assembly UN

with Sim van der Ryn at West Coast Green; Acknowledged as a leader in "Sustainable Architecture" at West Coast Green

Group hug with Dr. Arun Gandhi & Dr. Elaine Valdov

John Sheehy, Sherry Caplan, & William Higgins of Architecture International (my bosses at AI)

with Leaders, Architects, & Teachers of Green Design of Academy of Art University & UC Berkeley. Eric Corey Freed, Micheal Sammet, Craig Henritzy at the Ecocity World Summit in San Francisco

Celebrating Obama's victory in Union Square

World Affairs Council Global Citizenship Award scholars honoring Muhammad Yunus

with Asha Castleberry, Director of Finance and Global Partnerships of the International Youth Council and our friend from the Amazon jungle!