
Columbia University Coalition for Sustainable Development (CUCSD) Portfolio

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead

Columbia University Coalition for Sustainable Development (CUCSD) has only been accredited by the Columbia University Interschool Governing Board a month and a half ago, and yet we have accomplished so much already. The work that my team has done is an example of how a small group of thoughtful, highly committed citizens can make a difference. And as Margaret Mead had said, indeed it is the only thing that can make a difference... 

Here's a preview of the cool things we've been working on in the past month and a half. This portfolio was designed by Jairo Garcia and Diana Sierra to present to one of the administrators of our school. I thought it'd be cool to share this with you all...

NY+20 Deadline to Apply April 18

My amazing team, Columbia University Coalition for Sustainable Development (CUCSD), is organizing NY+20. Deadline to Apply is April 18.

Friday April 27, 2012 (During the second round of UNCSD informal negotiations at UN)
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street  New York, NY 10017

More info HERE

We want YOU to include your opinions on Sustainable Development in United Nations negotiations!

Apply today to participate in NY+20 : A one-day youth conference engaging and educating students on the issues of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Work with top ambassadors, negotiators, academics, and young people working in the field to learn about the topics, and then talk to them about what youth want out of NY+20!

With the UN Headquarters in New York, we are in a unique position to expose young people to the UN process and to inspire them to take part in sustainable development action. We want the youth of the world to have a strong, organized position at Rio+20, and to be able to deliver a clear message of needs to be in the final outcome document.

*** You do not need to have any prior knowledge about sustainable development, Rio+20, or the United Nations to attend! Come join other young people from around New York City, get inspired, and start the movement for sustainability in your community!

Click here to Apply- applications are due Wednesday April 18!

Partners: The Human Impacts Institute,  The Ford Foundation, EOTO, UNICEF, South-South News, Alas de Rio, Global Kids, US White House Council on Environmental Quality, UN DESA,  UN Major Group for Children and Youth, The Jane Goodall Institute, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest   

NY+20 Website
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