

It's an incredible honor to be part of the latest issue of Humaneity, a quarterly publication published in over 100 countries. I do find the tagline too ambitious, and believe that I have much more work to do to be worthy of it. My interview begins in page 48 and can be found on this link

I would like to note that I was asked to do this "interview" in the midst of midterms and madness a few months ago. I sent the writer my speeches, graduate school essay, and with some email conversations, the poor Jeff had to put it all-together. Up until today, I haven't seen the interview since the publication was published. I'd like to credit 350.org in one of the answers to the questions and note that since then, I have left my post at International Youth Council.

I would also like to extend a hearfelt thank you to Mark Philpott, the Founder of Humaneity, and Jeff Ludlum, for telling my story and for their work in inspiring better change in this world.