
Powerful Ways to join Climate Change Movement

An updated list by Blog Action Day of interesting and powerful ways to get involved in climate change movement.

1. Sign the Tck Tck Tck campaign's "I am ready" pledge supporting an ambitious, fair and binding climate agreement in Copenhagen this fall: tcktcktck.org/people/i-am-ready

2. Register for the 350.org International Day of Climate Action October 24: http://www.350.org/
3. Join the UK Government's "Act on Copenhagen" effort to promote a global deal on climate change: www.actoncopenhagen.decc.gov.uk/en

4. Learn and act with The Nature Conservancy's Planet Change site: change.nature.org

5. Watch and help promote Current TV's green-themed video journalism at: current.com/green

6. Support strong climate legislation in the US by making calls to your Senators with 1Sky: tools.advomatic.com/13/calls

7. Put yourself on the Vote Earth map and upload your photos, pictures and weblinks to show the world future you want to see: www.earthhour.org/home

8. Put yourself on the Vote Earth map and upload your photos, pictures and weblinks to show the world future you want to see: www.earthhour.org/home

9. Join the Greenpeace cool IT challenge campaign to turn IT industry leaders into climate advocates and solution providers: www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/climate-change/cool-it-challenge

10. Add your personal story and tell the world what you will miss the most when you lose it to climate change with the United Nations Foundation Climate Board:
11. Find the latest and most popular climate change actions online at globalwarming.change.org

Have your own to add? Email here.

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