If you are planning to attend the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro in June, but still need to be officially accredited, Interional Youth Council (IYC) can issue you a letter of accreditation for the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (June 20-22) and related 3rd PrepCom (June 13-15).
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS is this Friday, May 25 at 12:00 AM EST. You will be notified of the status of your application by the end of May 26. If your application is accepted, we will be sending you your letter of accreditation which can be considered as official proof of your participation in the UN summit. This letter also enables you to get a free Brazilian visa.
IYC is *not* responsible for any other arrangements related to your participation in Rio+20 and related events – including, but not limited to travel to/from Rio, transportation in Rio, food, accommodation, insurance and incidentals.
Accredited delegates will be required to attend IYC meetings in Rio and carry out reporting, promotion, and/or other tasks when requested. Accredited delegates will also be required to give credit to IYC in their reporting, communications, and outreach efforts, whenever possible (e.g. linking to IYC if you're writing a blog post, and mentioning that your presence has been supported by our organization). Further details about the nature of such commitments will be specified after accreditations have been issued.
More information on this opportunity and the code of conduct can be found within the application form: https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/viewform?formkey= dEpVLXZDeXc2QWE5TGdNX0hiS3FVQl E6MQ
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