
You’re Invited to Join NY+20 Online TOMORROW, April 27

NY+20 Program April 27


NY+20 seeks to educate young people about the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development (also known as Rio+20) this June and issues of sustainable development and providing them with the opportunity to encourage governments to act.

NY+20 will be a one-day event held during the second round of UN Informal-Informals on Friday, April 27, 2012 at the Ford Foundation from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Brice Lalonde, UNCSD Rio+20 Executive Coordinator will be the keynote speaker at this event. 

Through NY+20, we can inspire regional youth to become involved in the UN processes that impact their futures, and allow them to form their own opinions on sustainable development. NY+20's participants will develop their own "Youth Statement" about what they would like to see happen at Rio, and then present this to the global community. We will be presenting our “Youth Statement” at a side event during the second round of UN Informal-Informals the following Monday, April 30 from 6:15-730 PM at the UN headquarters.

Watch us online

The event that will capture diverse youth voices from NY and surrounding areas is being extended online! If you are interested in Sustainable Development, youth voices and/or Rio+20, NY+20 is YOUR chance to have your voice heard loud and clear around the world. Join an interactive discussion that will happen throughout the day on 27 April 2012 starting at 9am EST. Listen to the conference opening and closing streamed live and interact with live facilitators that will discuss key issues for sustainable development and Rio+20. How do you see the future of sustainable development?

Tune into our live-stream and interactive conference on our website(newyorkplus20.wordpress.com/live-stream), or following the directions below!

There are several ways you can join the two-part event:

1. Go to http://www.vokle.com/series/28635-ny+20-online and click the red "join event" button for the first half of the event from 9am-12pm EST

2. Go to http://www.vokle.com/events/59866-2nd-half-ny+20-online and click the red "join event" button for the second half of the event from 1pm-3:30pm EST

3. Participate by clicking the red "join event" button on our partner EOTO World's Facebook, on the tab labeled "My Live Events" to watch both the first and second half:https://www.facebook.com/EOTOWorld  
To find your correct time zone, use this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html

Follow the conference on twitter: #NY20online @NYplus20 

You can join in via mobile phone, computer text or video! If you plan to interact with us via video, be sure to have headphones, mic and a working camera. If you cannot participate via video, no problem! You can text your comments/questions to us and everyone can view it live.


Blog Contest

Whether you are watching online or attending the event onsite, we encourage all our participants to blog about our event. The winner of our blog contest gets their blog posted on the tcktcktck.org, UNICEF, and our other media partners website. And, if you are in New York, we can give you a ticket to attend our side-event at the UN on Monday, April 30, 2012.

Win a trip to Rio


What do Christiana Figueres & Leonardo DiCaprio. have in common? They're helping decide who wins a trip to #RioPlus20. Could it be you? http://bit.ly/tckjury

The ‘Date With History’ contest is an opportunity  for young people around the globe to inspire the leaders of the world to act boldly and with urgency on key issues impacting the future of our planet. Entrants can upload a video speech below, and the top videos voted by the online public will be shared at the upcoming Rio Earth Summit in June.

diverse jury of prominent celebrities, environmental activists and thought leaders will select one winner who will travel to Rio de Janeiro to participate in the summit and to share their vision!

Join our conversation and get the "FUTURE YOU WANT."

Your NY+20 Team:
Columbia University Coalition for Sustainable Development, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, The Human Impacts Institute, The Ford Foundation, MyCity+20, Peace Child International, EOTO World, UNICEF, Global Kids, UN DESA, IISD Reporting Services, UN Major Group for Children and Youth, The Jane Goodall Institute, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest, International Youth Council, The Sounding Board

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