
Heroes of Today

Heroes of today is an 84-page magazine that seeks to inspire young people to act for a better world. Featured in the book include President Nasheed of Maldives, Director Franny Armstong, of "The Age of Stupid", Richard Branson of Virgin - all of whom I had the pleasure of meeting/seeing speak at an event. Also featured were my friends (and inspiration), Sven Heijbel of Wake Up Call and Deepa Gupta of Indian Youth Climate Network -amongst many other inspirational characters. It is humbling to be part of a line-up of outstanding characters. Questioning why I was chosen to be on this book- and why I haven't yet learned the awesome Swedish language yet.
Heroes of today is the vision of Sophy Elevall, who's life work is devoted to inspiring others to make a difference in the world. Recently she received an award as one of the “Environmental Heroes of the year” by the internet site Minplanet.se and World Wide Fund for nature, WWF. When it comes to people in this world, they can be divided into two groups. There are those who want to make a difference, and there are those who are making the difference. Which one are you?

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